Monday, August 29, 2011

Inspiration & Divergent /Convergent Thinking

Inspiration: My Top 10


dayton skyline

Its true, there is no place like home. There is something magical about returning to your old stomping ground.
For me that place is Dayton,Ohio.  They call it "Gem" City for a reason, but its hard  for me to explain the magic of this river cty. Its something I think you have to experience to understand. Its a perfect place for esoteric artists, musicians and teachers to thrive. Since its not really a magnet for many well known Arists and Musicians  dayton creates their own. The rent is cheap so its easy to just get by and do what you want,create what you want. 

 The amount of  innovation that has come from this town is quite extensive. Just on the plane today I saw a list of Dayton Innovations, here are just a few: Backpack Parachute, Push in  Pull Out Tab Can, Cash Register,Airplane,cellophane tape,digital clock, filtered cigarettes,gas mask, ice cream cone,artificial heart,ice cube tray..... c'mon.. thats just a few....its ridiculousness.

Its hard to say wether its just the sentimental feelings and memories of  friends and families,
but I find inspiration in everything Dayton.  The people, architecture,road construction,food,spirit and smell.
No matter where Im at or where I live, Dayton will always feel like home.


There are so many things in life to love and you can find inspiration in all of them.
I love my wife, my dog, family ,friends, hometown,music,beer, bicycles,bacon, mustaches, your mom jokes, swimming,old spice,volcanos,laughing,photography,pianos,babies,oreos,fish tacos and conversation just to name a few.

Skyline Chili
Its Skyline Time!

Man do I love to eat. I do it every day, and so do most people in the U.S. that I know.
Chili dogs and oreos are my weakness. Not usually at the same time but I just cant get enough of that wonderful stuff.
Its something about the mix of simple ingredients and the approach to process that makes food inspiring.
Something as simple as an egg depending on your approach can turn into so many different things.
Hard Boiled, Scrambled, Sunny Side Up, Over Easy, Poached,Soft Boiled etc.. and thats just with 1 ingredient, not even touching on the sweet side....mmmmm custard.

Seriously, What genius came up with the frikin coney they are amazing.
 I dont even really like hot dogs, but cover em in chili and cheese.... holy crap.. its the best.
I love the potential in food, what it could be, how things change when combined in different ways.
Like I said before... I love to eat. Watch me sometime... its kind of disgusting.


Andy Davis2103
There are some images from a poker face series that was inspired by some friends. So much fun to photograph their pokerfaces. Check out more of them here at my Poker Face Series.
Its those true friends always help you keep it real. They get you and you get them. Most good ones are easy ,relatively low maintenance the relationships just take care of themselve naturally.You know, whether the good times are rolling or there is a shit-storm a brewin you get through it and you are there to support each other. I have some of the greatest friends in the world.

My friends help me keep my perspective in check, and remember who I am and whats important
This life flies by faster and faster every year, you have to respect and love those who ride the wave with you.
Listen and give advice,share stories and help each other out when its needed. Seeing the power of true friendship is one of the most inspiring things there is.


My family is amazing! Im truly lucky to have all of them in my life. Being adopted at a really young age, could of put me in a multitude of scenario's but I had good luck. Plucked out of Christian social services @ 8 months old, I became a lil' Passmore. 

Every member in my family inspires me. My Dad with his giving nature, Mom and her love for Iced Tea and infectious laugh and my sister Katie and her unrelenting drive to make lifer better for herself and those around her. Then there is my sister Kim whos drive to be the best she can be has set her up to be one of the best handbag designers in L.A.
Im inspired to make them all proud and show them what I can achieve in life. The fact that they all believe in me the way that they do is all that I need. Love, Support and hugs go a long way in my book.


I am driven by competition, though I don't really  think of myself as a competitive person. I think at some level its just natural, survival of the fittest you know? There is friendly competition between peers and colleagues and sometimes brutal competition in the market place. You know that feeling you get when you see someone else's inspired work, it turns you on, the thought " I wish I thought of that" echos in your head and you are motivated to step up your game. My industry I know for the past 10 years is Commercial  Photography, specifically the market in Midwest. In our city of St. Louis there are many talented photo studios and we all seem to inspire each other to do better work. 

Our Studio Is Meoli Studio, known as one of  the larger studios in St. louis, we are able to take on any project large or small we often look to other local shooters all the time to gauge where we need to improve our game or adjust our strategy. The beverage and motion work coming out of Bruton Stroube Studios will inspire anyone to do better. These guys set the mark for most other studios in the midwest to hit, their portfolio and integrity of work is uber imipressive. Then there is Ferguson Katzman Studios there strong editorial shooting style and attention to story telling is inspiring in almost every image they put out. They have this ability to capture the essence of people and simple things. They respect for the history of photography and love of the technical side, the collection and dedication to the preservation of photogravure . These are just two examples of great talent in the mid-west photo market. With competition like this is impossible not to find inspiration.

Apple Purchases vs. Stock Price: 2011
So much cool shit! Its always changing and for the most part if you use it right, you can make life dynamic and accelerate your ability to gain knowledge or tap into the collective stream of consciousness. It amazes me that we can connect with so much information, through our computers and phones. Its so fast! Remember the dewey decimal system... that took forever to find books, now you can pull them up at the press of a few buttons. There is so much potential information right in front of you and all you have to do is use it.  I find inspiration in the ability technology has provided us to connect with each other across the street or the globe. Its really making the world feel like a more connected place. Applications Like Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Face-time have all dramatically changed the way we communicate and interact. It still amazes me that any of this stuff really works..... but I'm still waiting for that Jet-Pack.....Someday.

See more pics from my trip cross country with the wife from back in '07.

Whether you are head off to uncharted territory or heading to a familiar place there is always something new to find when you travel. Immersing yourself into different cultures,situation,landscapes can set your mind off in new and unexpected directions. Sight, Sound,Smell, Taste and you can never forget the friendly people you meet along the way.

Traveling for me isnt always about the destiniation, its about what you experience during your entire journey thats important.


Yeah.. this will need its own section on this blog.All kinds! I love it all! As long as its honest and has a melody that takes me somewhere. Music is always changing, its so dynamic, I appreciate its ability to break across all barriers and connect people in a way that few things can. There is something magic about the power of music, its infectious,alive and most of all inspiring.
Here are links to some of my music.
Abracadaver: Piano Trio from back in D8n Ohio. Home Recordings
Motel Beds|Sunfried Dreams: : someday we will all rock together again. There is nothing quite like those salad days.

10. Mistakes:

Who has not made mistakes? I've made a lot of them, lying, cheating, stealing,fighting Ive done all those and then some.
Its what you learn from those experiences that makes the biggest difference in who you are. I find inspiration in making less and less mistakes as life goes on. I guess maybe not less, but I know what I have control over and thats most  of the choices that  I make. Except for my occasional binge eating oreo's., and Schlafly APAI feel like im in control and balanced. Its all about watching for mistakes and planning ahead... oh.. and not being a selfish little prick.. that helps. I got over that a long time ago.

Time I was feeling Stuck:

One time my car got stuck pulling into my driveway after a 14 hour drive from St. Louis to Dayton, a drive that normally takes 5 1/2.  There was a crazy winter storm that blew through and speed on i-70 had slowed to 20 mph. What a long night.

Its been along time since Ive been creatively stuck, I think the last time I can recall was when I was heavily medicated on ritalin and concerta. Those meds suck! Cognitive enhancement my ass, more like red-bull zombie pills.
I find ways to work around anything, for me it works best to change my direction and thought constantly. Doctors have called it ADHD, whatever that is, I think its high functioning creative energy. Its all about focusing it the right way. 

If I feel like Im getting stuck, I stop and do something else right away! No time to be stuck, just come back to it when its right. Even if that time is in the shower, car or even while Im sleeping. Come back when the mind is open, if Im not feeling it I'll just start working on something else.

Divergent Thinking:

Divergent thinking is a process that moves away in "diverging" directions so you involve a variety of aspects which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity

I think the main point to remember with Divergent thinking is not being to critical at the time of inception of your ideas. You have to let you mind open and thoughts flow then sort it all out when your done.
Divergent Thinking is about exploring what is possible with  a little disregard for practicality or rational decision making.

Examples of Divergent Thinking:

2.Abstract Painting
3.Improvisation in Music
5.Comics and Cartoons

Convergent Thinking:

When using converging thinking its like your foot is on the brake at all times, while you evaluate and judge you Ideas. You try to use rational logic to guide your solutions as you try to solve creative opportunities. Its about thinking inward instead of outward and using those logical thought processes to come to a real generally accepted conclusion.

1. Detective / Police work
2. Jury Deliberation
3. Choosing what to Eat to stay healthy
4. Strategy to Maintain Profitability in a corporation
5. Chemistry

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