Sunday, November 6, 2011

Final Pitch for Sarasota Film Festival Intro 2012

THE PALMS | Welcome you to Sarasota : by Kevin Passmore
Sarasota Film Festival project brief:

Project:  Sarasota Film Festival Open Creative Brief                                                                           
Client:  Sarasota Film Festival
Contact:   Tom Hall – Artistic Director    
Date: 9/26/11

The Project Objective  
To create an engaging :30 promo/open for the 2012 Sarasota Film Festival that reflects the best of the Sarasota community that we as an arts organization represent. The animation should increase the interest of the audience to want to come back to see more films, and it should speak directly to sophisticated, art-loving audiences.  The open sets the tone for the viewer’s festival experience. This animation becomes the official identity of the festival for all those attending.  

Our idea is for teams to take the “Why I Love The Movies” theme and to conduct audio interviews of the people of Sarasota, which reveal something special and personal about the individual’s love of film/movies. These interviews, done in a documentary style, will form the concept of the individual trailers.  Each team will use the words spoken in the interviews as the concept for their piece, but teams have the freedom and are encouraged to be as imaginative as possible when animating the interviews. The idea is to have a “documentary” soundtrack, but for the images on the screen to be as fun and imaginative as possible. 

To be clear: Teams will have to identify their own interviewee, and ask their own questions, based on the theme "Why I Love Movies."   They would have to edit their own audio track and animate to their own audio edit. 

The Target Audience  
The Sarasota Film Festival serves two audiences; International and independent film enthusiasts who enjoy both foreign and domestic independent films, and the international film business community, which features directors, producers, actors and distributors who attend the festival each year to present their films to our audiences.   Audiences range from high school and college students 15-25 years old through to active, art-loving seniors, to the filmmakers themselves. All share in the appreciation of intellectually stimulating and creatively expressive filmmaking.  

The Target Emotional Response / Tone  
The tone of the final project should reflect the special feeling of discovery, of something very personal about why we love movies It should reflect the professional quality of the films playing at the festival. 

The Communication Strategy  
The animation will be used in the theater to welcome people to the SFF   It can also be used as a title for a highlight reel for the year.  It will be seen on the big screen in film festivals, on the SFF Website, and possible use for television advertising for the event.

Technical Specifications / Deliverables
Each animation will be 18 seconds in length.  The final animation must be rendered in a 16:9 ratio, at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 lines.
Must include audio track.
Final render as a QT movie.  H264 Compression. 

We would like the animation to be built as part of a :30 trailer/commercial that will run on local television, be placed online, and played in front of each film at the festival. 

In summary and in this order, the animation should follow this format:

:18 second animation
:04 second credit card as follows (including the larger font for SFF motto):

Created by Team Member 1, Team Member 2, Team Member 3, etc.
Ringling College Of Art and Design, Department of Motion Design

:08 seconds of black
:30 of audio running throughout (interview + Music, or whatever works for your piece)

Hero Audio Clip:

Its time to get this project in front of Artistic Director Tom Hall from the Sarasota Film Festival.
If all goes well ( fingers crossed) this concept may be chosen as one potential direction for an opening sequence at next years 2012 Sarasota Film Festival.

You can view a short PREZI on my concept here:

Final Boards:

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