So after the initial review there was some support for the hand-puppets,Life in the shadows and the Café au lait chalk animation directions. In an effort to simplify the direction and distil these in to a simpler concise idea I think I will try and combine a concept and portray it using two of these directions.
Life in the Shadows and Hand Puppet conversation.
The overall concept Im going to reinforce visually is that you can learn a lot about the world through your experiences interacting with others and watching film / cinema. You can learn about yourself and others by watching how you react to a variety of emotional stories and situations. Viewers can be exposed to other alternative views and other ways of life around the world in the matter of minutes. Other cultures are something that can be understood and in a subtle way simply thorough immersing oneself in a unique cinematic experience. Individuals can transport themselves in an instant to another reality, or new way of thinking just by closing their eyes they can transcend reality and create a new one only using their mind.
1. Living the Dream, Just go in your mind.
If we close our eyes and just slow down we can learn a lot about ourselves and the world.
Highlighting moments in time and slowing down our observations the simple actions we take shape our experiences with others increase our level of cognitive awareness. As we tap into shared streams of consciousness, through the sharing of stories and our life experiences we learn what it means to be connected and find strength in our interactions with others within our community.
2. Talk with your Hands / Conversation:
Before this film starts, lets talk about why we love coming out together and sharing in these cinematic experiences. There is nothing like the anticipation of waiting for a movie to start, as the local ads and trivia questions pass by we snack on popcorn,sip our soda and we talk about the events of the day. As the lights dim, the room grows quiet and we turn out attention to the screen as images begin to flicker and we are soon transported into another dimension.
LISTEN 20 TIMES more more more.. still not convinced this is the best audio I can use but will work for now.
Movin On :
Where my mind goes while under the influence of this audio, and cold medicine...seriously.. ive got the sickness.
Café au Lait,
Soda Pop,
French Hand Puppet with others in Theatre,
Leisure suits,
Grandmas beach house,
Shadow Boxing,
A Life in the Shadows,
Texture Ribbons of Light,
Closing your eyes,
Taxi Ride, Dreaming,Seaguls.
Well It Got my mind churning on some different directions Here are some of the cherries.
Life in the Shadows:
Life happens everywhere and stuck with us for only moments at a time we have our shadow. Participating in our daily lives through the good and the bad our silhouettes reflect the actions we take, sometimes they are amplified.. other times diminished.
Close Your Eyes:
Tell me what you see, why you love to dream. This light that you see, it tells stories and shapes our world. Even when we close our eyes and its dark with imagination we can create our own light, shape the world we experience and connect with eachother.
Maybe look at perspective of 1st person, closing eyes and imagining another reality,would love to explore light and the experience of it shaping our experiences through cinematic experience .
Eyes close and ends up traveling inside projector through ribbons of light. Maybe a cloud of thoughts that the camera is flying through that take on shape of theatre settings or mood of a film?
Leisure Suit Larry:
What if instead of cotton polyester was the fabric of our lives?Lets throw it back to the old school,nothing screams Florida more than the eccentric mix-match of flammable materials.
After all that keep your chin up that Leisure suit still looks great on you.
I want to explore Textures and silouettes of all things film and sarasota.When Im at the theatre I for some reason find myself staring at the carpet at somepoint. Always crazy tripped out carpet in most theatres. I think this is just incase someone pukes or the kids spill nacho cheese, it will be easy to cover up.
Explore possibilities of textured concession stand foods, crowd in a theatre, Would love to feel pretty 2 dimensional / flat. Plaid Palmtrees, striped sodas.
Give a Hand
Hand puppets could be amazing! Just something fun that everyone can do. If the narrative is assigned to a character could have a stronger impact and add a fun human element. When done talking to puppets could clap together may be hilarious or may just be a little to dumb, there is definitely a fine line here.

Café au lait.. a Street Conversation
Taking place on a street corner bistro table.. tight shots focused on the subtle movement of food...
cream spinning in coffee,light through ice water,shine of silverware, all animated by hand.
Would love to explore the technique of rotoscoping some video footage of actual re inacted scene to audio.
Man.. its been a challenge to get permission to record any audio in a theatre setting. Trying to be legit about getting access has proven to make it near impossible to get anywhere. Think my only option for authentic recordings is to go gorilla style and capture some live stuff.. or get a part time job in a theatre just for this project.
We had some good success in our initial round of audio interview on St. Armands.. so for now Here is the 18 sec working audio. I still think I can find something that works better... but for now.. this is what ive got going on.
Animation Options coming to mind:
1. Still Life with Moving Shadows:
Images portraying people doing everyday things around sarasota but their shadows will be animated to feel alive.
2.Typical Crowd:
Pan through Silouettes in Cinema Ending up on Screen.
3.Use your Senses.
What do you Hear, Feel,See, Smell,Love about the Movies?
(Ideally would love strong audio to support this direction)
If audio gets to this point I would love to pursue the senses of cinema.
Abstract representations of Food, Atmosphere, Emotion that you can experience while watching a film.
I would really just like to capture something more charming and authentic.. I like what we have but know deep down that something better is out there.
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